Friday 21 May 2010

Nature Capitale

This is a computer generated image of what the Champs Elysees is going to look like this weekend.. The project is called Nature Capitale and is by Gad Weil. It is in celebration of the World Day of Biodiversity and hundreds of trees and thousands of plants will take over the famous street this weekend. I love this kind of project, and was very inspired whilst in Paris at Easter by the beautiful gardens in the midst of the traffic of the Parisian capital. The biggest change will be that no cars will be allowed down the street during the weekend and I think it will be absolutely fab! I wish I could be there!

Monday 17 May 2010

A Springtime trip to Paris

A trip to Paris in the in Spring. Les Arts Decoratifs. Les Jardins du Luxembourg. Versailles. Tuilleries.

A Little About Me..

I thought I would post my first post as I leave 3rd year and go into 4th year! I am currently studying Textile Design at Duncan of Jordanstone Art College in Dundee. I spend my time between Dundee, Edinburgh and a little bit of St. Andrews..

My specific interests in textiles are printed textiles and a little bit of embroidery and embellishment. I am in love with anything floral...

This wee horse is by Orkney based company Tait and Style. I have organised to take a trip to Orkney in July to take part in a two day course at Tait and Style using their needlepunch machines and learning all about needlepunch. I am very excited about this as I love their products and style of design. I also love Orkney and can't wait to be there!